The Lusatian Mountains Beer Trail

From the tradition of homebrewing, through the construction of breweries by city officials or royalty in almost every town, followed by the unhappy postwar years of centralization, when many breweries sadly had to close their gates, to the recent years full of hope, as beer began to be brewed in many places and the intricate craft literally rose from the ashes like the mythical Pheonix.

Zde se pivo vaří
Founded 2008
Rumburská 1920, Varnsdorf
Beer is brewed here
Founded 2013
Křinické nám. 7, Krásná Lípa
Beer is brewed here
Founded 2013
Pivovarská 405, Cvikov
Beer is brewed here
Fouded 2015
Kytlice 120, Kytlice
Beer is not brewed here
Founded 2008
Kunratice u Cvikova 147
Beer is not brewed here